Saturday, 25 February 2012

Vote Yes Yes

Are you worried and angry about the government’s cuts in jobs, pensions and pay?

The government wants to:

  • Raise the pension age to 68
  • Triple your pension contributions
  • Cut pension payments by up to a half.

Public sector workers are being asked to pay a lot more and work up to eight years longer, for much smaller pensions. The government is refusing to negotiate on those core issues, but we want real talks on a fair settlement.

Thank you for helping to force the government to make some small concessions to its pensions plans but they are not enough.

PCS is consulting members on rejecting the government's offer on pensions and on a programme of action as part of a continuing campaign against the coalition’s proposals. The consultative ballot runs from today to 16 March and you are urged to:

  • Vote yes to reject the government’s pensions offer
  • Vote yes to support the joint union campaign for fair pensions for all. 

If you haven't received a ballot paper by 6 March contact membership to request a new ballot paper with your membership number or NI number on 020 7801 2670/2680/2810 or email

Find out what you could lose

The PCS pensions calculator – – was viewed by more than 300,000 times last year. It has shown members and non-members how much they stand to lose under the government’s proposals.

A new version takes into account changes to the pension scheme and money lost because of the public sector pay freeze.

PCS member Ann Bennett, who earns £25,821, discovered her pensionable pay will be worth 13% less than at the start of the pay freeze. Taking into account inflation the real value of her salary will be reduced to £22,796.01 by 2015.

She will pay £774.63 more a year. She will also lose £16,969.68 as a result of the switch from RPI to CPI.

“I can’t begin to express my concern over the pension reforms and this is only the start of it, just making ends meet will be the best I can hope for,” she said.
The government is making us all pay for a crisis caused by the banks. Let’s tell them we don’t accept this and we want fair pensions for all.

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