Monday 9 December 2013

Say NO to MP's Pay Rise!

MPs are to be handed a £7,600 pay rise after a watchdog refused to bow to pressure from political leaders to scale back the rise at a time voters are feeling the squeeze.

"We are all in it together" said David Cameron when he launched the Coalition Governments Austerity Programme. Unless you are an Member of Parliament of course.

With most families struggling to pay the rent, ever increasing heating bills and having difficulties feeding their children, most people certainly are in it!

The following petition has appeared on the Governments website. Please read and sign:

No MP Salary Increase

Responsible department: Office of the Leader of the House of Commons

At a time when the country is in deep financial crisis, the ordinary working people of this country are still losing their jobs, have been, still are suffering wage freezes while living costs are spiralling, and the government cutting or capping benefit payments, is it right for MP’s to get ANY pay rise, let alone a 32% increase they have been reported as wanting.


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