Monday, 7 October 2013

Fair Deal Update No 16

Formal pay offer received

As we reported in the last update, negotiations on pay have been on-going. We have 
now received a formal offer from the department:

• A one year award from 1 August 2013 to 31 July 2014. 
• All pay scales, including minima and maxima, will be revalorised by 1%. 
• All staff in post on 1 August 2013 (other than those on restoring efficiency for unsatisfactory performance) will receive a 1% increase to basic pay. 
• Eligible E2 and E1 staff will continue to receive the Protected Pay Allowance. 
• Bonuses will be paid to all staff with a Box 5 (Outstanding) marking. 
• The re-introduction of Higher Starting Pay (HSP).

There is little here which meets the aspirations of our pay claim and much that could 
prove damaging, particularly bringing back discriminatory higher starting pay, so the 
offer will be rejected in accordance with national policy. Members will be aware that 
the 1% pay uplift and the bonus payments have already been made.

The group executive committee will be discussing how to progress the remaining 
elements of our pay claim, including the re-introduction of progression, shortly.

Attacks on our terms and conditions

Negotiations are about to commence on the department’s plans (for new starters and 
promotees) to cut annual leave and occupational sick pay; increase working hours in 
London and change the status of mobility.

Our union’s position is clear. We do not accept that these cuts are justifiable, or that 
good employers offer worse terms and conditions. Indeed in a competitive market, 
these changes will further hamper recruitment and act as a disincentive for staff to 
seek promotion, damaging the MOD’s outputs for little benefit.

The Civil Service employee policy guidance is clear that departments can choose 
whether to adopt any policy. MoD is therefore implementing detrimental changes, 
which it has no obligation to make, despite overwhelming opposition from its staff. 

We are also awaiting engagement on a review of all allowances, where the 
department intends to claw back tens of millions from allowances in payment to staff.

Performance management – use the PCS toolkit

It is now time for the six monthly review under the new performance management 
system. Our union has devised a toolkit to help members and managers deal with 
each element of the system. If you haven’t seen it yet, it can be accessed here:

Don’t fill in the Your Say survey

The 2013 Your Say Survey began on 1 October. This year we're asking you not to 
fill in the questionnaire.

When the survey was introduced in 2009, we welcomed the introduction of a 
standard staff survey across the civil service. We hoped that it would evidence civil 
servants concerns and that management would work with us on improvements.

Our experience over the last few years is that the results have been misrepresented 
by management and used to justify policies that don't address the real issues. Some 
results, such as the dissatisfaction with levels of pay, have been ignored whilst 
others have been used to bring in the performance management system that we 
believe will see at least 5% of staff sacked each year.

Our 2013 annual conference decided that we should not co-operate with this year’s 
survey, which is voluntary. No one should be pressurised to complete it. Tell your 
PCS rep immediately if you are forced to complete the questionnaire.

We know that some members value the opportunity to tell management how you feel 
about your employer and your experiences as a civil servant. We are conducting our 
own surveys so you can raise your concerns through your union.

By not filling in the Your Say Survey, you will send a collective message that you:

• Object to the misinterpretation and misuse of the survey findings 
• Will not co-operate in an initiative that leads to un-negotiated detrimental changes 
• Want the survey findings used positively to improve the well-being and working conditions of civil servants.

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