They are 650 MP’s in the House of Commons. Ultimately they are our employers as they form the government of the day. However through our democratic society, there are several ways we can influence their decision making.
The industrial action taken by PCS members and other public sector trade union members on 30 November 2011 has already forced the government back round the pensions negotiating table. Unfortunately, as yet those negotiations have not proven fruitful as government negotiators are at present refusing to budge on the key elements of working longer, paying more but getting less pension when you retire.
Voting YES YES in the national consultative ballot will not only strengthen our union negotiators position in any negotiations; it will also strengthen our position in the defence sector group as we campaign against the proposed 32,000 civilian job cuts and a raft of privatisation initiatives that would see approximately half of our civilian workforce working in future for profit orientated companies, and not for what gives best support to the front line.
Defence lobby of parliament – 20 March 2012
As well as voting YES YES in the national consultative ballot we would urge every member in our group to complete the e-action at this address and ask their own MP to attend our defence lobby of parliament on 20 March.
Because the Ministry of Defence is the UK’s largest landowner, PCS members in our department are in a unique position of working in every UK political constituency. We must therefore take this opportunity to lobby as many of the 650 MP’s in Westminster as we can.
We know that where MP’s get numerous requests on the same subject, they take the issue very seriously. Therefore as well as completing the e-action, can members please ask their work colleagues, friends and family to also complete the e-action.
Issues to discuss at the lobby of parliament
We are hoping to have upwards of 50 reps from defence sector branches at the lobby of parliament and they will be speaking to MP’s about the following –
- Pensions – Despite the government this week making their fourth ‘final’ offer, the key issues of working longer, paying more and getting less have not been altered. We will be telling MP’s the affect this will have on individuals and their careers.
- Job Cuts – VERS 1 saw 5,500 leave, but in the same period, another 10,000 simply had enough and left the MoD. The survivors will tell MP’s about the devastating affect this has not only on morale but also on our ability to give support to the front line.
- Privatisation – The recent DBS announcement also talked about future privatisation initiatives in DE and S and DIO. Profit based companies exist to satisfy shareholders and our reps will tell MP’s about their fears over terms and conditions being eroded by companies whose primary concern is the balance sheet not the front line.
- Civilianisation – Although there is now some recognition within the department that we must civilianise more, the recent defence select committee report was misguided in its comments. Our reps will tell MP’s that whilst we recognise the need for some military expertise and knowledge; if the emphasis is on value for money and delivering services, civilian workers can do this better.
- Tax justice – Our union has been pushing for several years now for the government to collect the “120 billion of tax that is evaded, avoided or not collected. Our reps will be asking MP’s why people earning £150,000 or more enjoy tax breaks worth more than the annual salaries of nearly eight million workers.
If you have not already voted, please do so now and vote YES YES in the national consultative ballot.
This is the most important stage in the campaign. A YES YES vote will ensure we keep the pressure on an already discredited government. If we have to take more strike action a YES YES vote will also ensure more members take part in the strike day activities than in previous strikes.
The NEC will take a final decision on 19 March whether or not to call the strike on 28 March, taking into account the result of the consultative ballot and the decisions of other unions.
For the latest PCS defence sector news, please go to the following -
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