Saturday, 18 June 2011

PCS Members strike in My Civil Service Pension

MyCSP Members taking action to defend their jobs

PCS members in My Civil Service Pension (MyCSP) delivered an overwhelming vote to reject plans to privatise the business; under the guise of a ‘Mutual Joint Venture’.

So Much For ‘Employee-led’

When Francis Maude, the Cabinet Office Minister, cited the concept; he made it clear that Mutual Joint Ventures would not go ahead if the employees did not support it.

In a better than average turn-out for a postal ballot, PCS members in MyCSP voted more than 3:1 in favour of strike action; and much more than 4:1 in favour of action short of a strike – all in opposition to management’s plans to strip members of their Civil Service status.
Day of Action

Members previously in MOD at Cheadle Hulme walked out at noon on the 17th June 2011. Their solidarity with their fellow members across MyCSP was magnificent and effectively brought MyCSP to a stand still.

It is absolutely clear from the ballot and action taken that no employee is in favour of MyCSP moving to a mutual and losing their civil service status.

PCS Seeks Negotiated Settlement

PCS have formally written to the Minister and to MyCSP management inviting them to recognise the overwhelming views of the workforce; and to enter into meaningful talks with the Union, in an attempt to reach a negotiated settlement. Disappointingly, management responded that their position was unchanged.

Why did you strike?

One member who took action on the 17th June was asked why they had. They said “I worked for over twenty years for the MOD and was nervous when the concept of MyCSP was first put forward. I took some comfort that I was transferring to the DWP and remained a civil servant. After all the assurance we were given by management about our terms and conditions of service; they suddenly announced that we were being moved to a Mutual Joint Venture and that we would no longer be civil servants nor would we be entitled to remain in the civil service pensions schemes which we administer. It’s disgusting that we can be treated so shoddily and that promises made by ministers that mutualism would only go ahead with employee agreement are worth nothing. That’s why I voted yes in the ballot, why I am going home now and will continue supporting opposition to the Mutual Joint Venture”.

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