Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Just four days to go until the 'March for the alternative'

Every day this week PCS will be suggesting something you can do to prepare for the big event.

Tuesday’s tip

Have a couple of key facts in your head just in case you are interviewed by the media.

There will be thousands of TV, radio, internet, newspaper and magazine journalists in London on Saturday.

Many local reporters have arranged to travel to the capital on coaches and trains to cover their communities taking part in the demo.

This is a free hit for PCS – and other unions and campaign groups – and we should be prepared to take advantage of it.

Media very rarely uses a snippet of one person lasting longer than 20 seconds – it is often nearer to ten.
So it is good to have a couple of short points to make – and to keep making them.

The key PCS message is that there is an alternative - £120 billion pounds of tax is uncollected, evaded or avoided every year and could be used to pay for important public services.

You may also like to have a key fact handy about something happening in your workplace or where you live.
How many jobs are being axed, how many children use the nursery the local authority wants to close?

You can find more information from the websites of campaign groups or your local newspaper.

Information about your workplace may be on the ‘PCS where I work’ section of the website.

If you are in another trade union check out their website for some key facts.

Of course no-one has to speak to the media – just say no politely and refer the reporter to a colleague who is more confident.

The ‘March for the alternative’ has been organised by the Trades Union Congress.

The aim is to put hundreds of thousands of people on the streets of London to highlight opposition to the government’s economic policy.

A big turnout will boost the confidence of everyone who is organising protests, strikes and occupations against the cuts.
On Saturday marchers are gathering at 11am at Victoria Embankment, London, WC2N 6NL and walking to Hyde Park for a rally and music.

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