Monday, 20 October 2014

Proud to have been apart of 18 Oct 2014

Organised by The Trades Union Congress (TUC) marches took place in the capital, Glasgow and Belfast, under the banner ‘Britain Needs a Pay Rise’ in the week after NHS workers made their biggest strike in 30 years.

Tens of thousands of people including PCS members from across the union and the Defence Sector group took to the streets to protest against low pay amid the “biggest squeeze on incomes since Victorian times”.

Did you know:

5m Five million people in Britain are earning less than the living wage.

175 Top directors earn 175 times more than the average worker.

£50 Average wages have fallen by £50 a week in real terms since 2008.

Poverty line For the first time more people in work are below the poverty line than those out of work. 

278% The average FTSE chief executives' pay has increased by 278 percent since 2000. 

48% The pay of the average FTSE 100 worker mean while has risen by just 48 per cent in that time. 

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Join us on the 18 October 2014

Oct18 landing page graphic
Marching for fair pay on 18 October

Hundreds of thousands of public sector workers and their families, friends and neighbours are joining the fight for fair pay at a national TUC march and rally in London.

Across the UK pay cuts have damaged the economy and caused real hardship for millions of people. Our members are facing the tightest living standards squeeze for nearly a century.

Many are struggling to live as, over the last 4 years, the cost of food, fuel, childcare and housing has rocketed while, in real terms, pay has declined.

Since the start of 2008:

•    The real value of UK pay has fallen by 8.4% 
•    The value of public sector pay has fallen by £11bn.

We all need a pay rise

Millions of people are suffering as their meagre wages hardly cover basic living costs.

As Rebecca who works for HMRC said: "I deserve a pay rise because I can’t afford to buy my own home, can’t afford to have kids, can’t afford to get married, can’t afford to buy food – to live, basically."

If pay had kept pace with inflation, average civil service pay would be £2,300higher than it is now. But the government has announced that the pay cap will continue in 2014 and 2015 and possibly beyond.

Our pay claim seeks a:

£1,200 or 5% pay increase.

We need everyone to join in on 18 October to force the government to end the pay cap.

Back the PCS campaign

Britain Needs a Pay Rise 

The Conservative-led government claims that they are fixing the economy and the cost of living crisis is over. However, the reality for the vast majority of people is that they are still not feeling the benefits of this so-called recovery.

By demonstrating in huge numbers we can send a powerful message that we will do everything we can to get a decent pay rise and liveable wages for all.

Play your part 

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Support 15th October 2014

PCS Union
Public and Commercial Services Union
Dear colleague,
We have been working with other unions in the public sector to challenge the 1% pay freeze which has led to a 20% reduction in living standards for many of you over the last 4/5 years.
It's a difficult time to be working in the public sector with many workers facing job losses and privatisation. We have called a 24-hour strike on 15 October, which, working with other unions, will be part of 3 consecutive days of action in the public sector.
This is designed to put as much pressure on the government as we can to get them round the negotiating table on key issues, including our national pay claim of 5% or £1,200 for all civil service and related staff.

Join the rally
At the end of next week we will also see the massive TUC march and rally in London on 18 October and we're hoping that you and your friends and family will be going along to send a powerful message to government.
But we're also working on plans for detailed targeted action which would mean members coming out for longer and being supported financially by our union in areas that could have a maximum effect.
To do that we need to raise as much money as possible and I would urge you to contribute to our fighting fund to benefit you and the union's campaigns.

Sign up for DD
The government's attacks are not just on your living standards and job security, they are also about destabilising your union by looking to withdraw check-off across government departments, to make it harder for us to stand up for you at work and on key issues.
If you have not done already, please register for direct debit as a matter of urgency so we can carry on standing up for you at work and ensure the government cannot get away with its disgraceful attacks on you and your union.
Watch and share our latest campaign video
Mark Serwotka
General Secretary