The Grimstone “business case” proposed that DBS should remain an integral part of the Department - ‘in Defence, for Defence’. However the MOD continues to explore an option to bring in Commercial Senior Management. All current papers indicate that this is a done deal.
The MOD believe that commercial management has the potential to give four “I”s:
Innovation – the innovation that comes with the experience of the high end consultancy houses in developing novel and effective transformation programmes, coupled with the hands on expertise of the service delivery companies.
Independence – external provision can provide the department with an independent and objective view that places them in an ideal position to challenge the established view.
Influence – by using their experience, credibility and independence, a commercial partner is likely to exert greater influence with key stakeholders across the department than any existing fully in-house solution.
Investment – the potential to bring an element of investment to streamline and simplify processes.
If we are to challenge the VFBM we will have to challenge it on the above “four I’s” detailing that the VFBM does not challenge robustly the proposal to bring in a commercial tier on a contract that has a £56M flexibility over the assumed £2M contract cost.
PCS Position and Bargaining Agenda
PCS has made it clear from the start that we support business improvement within the Ministry of Defence and in principle the formation of the DBS could stop the usual salami slicing of jobs and services to produce savings. However; the proposal to introduce a commercial management team indicates to us that the future commercialisation of the DBS transaction services would be on the table, plus this move gives whoever gains the initial commercial contract to drive and develop savings within the DBS an advantage in any future contract letting for value for money.
We have a clear bargaining agenda on the DBS but this must remain under review:
· To protect and promote our members interests
· To oppose the commercial management proposal on the basis that its cost does not offer value for money and civil servants are capable of driving significant value for money benefits in-house as proven under the PPPA Blue Print and Maturity Programme
· To oppose all proposals on privatisation
· To ensure that any value for money test includes an in-house option
· To ensure that the DBS is adequately resourced to provide a professional service to all its customers
· To ensure that our members working within the DBS are valued by its employer
· To ensure that there are no compulsory redundancies or enforced moves
Interaction with Branches
The impact of DBS will be felt across the whole of our membership, whether it is those imported into its structures or those receiving its services.
We have to urgently find a way of engaging will all our members residing within the DBS at a group level while ensuring we do not disenfranchise our representatives within the branches that will make up the PCS DBS foot print.
We will need to set up a communications strategy that can work from both a GEC and branch perspective.
PCS has set up an external DBS email account to give a further communication avenue to our members. If you would like to join this external email list using either your work or personal email address, please send an email the following:
Early Day Motion 2178
The PCS Parliamentary Group has sponsored Early Day Motion 2178 asking MP’s to raise their concerns over the commercialisation of DBA. It can be found at :
Please contact your local Member of Parliament asking them to sign the Early Day Motion and raise the profile of the concerns our members have over the proposed introduction of a DBS commercial management team: